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Hi Tom,

As you know, I generated over $80,000 in less than 3 days … just wanted to drop you a line to say ‘Thank You’! I have been watching and following your steps on the Internet since the 90s. You never stop to amaze me with your products and services one after another. Beyond and above all, your brilliant business mind and the ability  to see what others cannot see have inspired my Internet Marketing career. I would like to let everyone know how much I've learned from you, my wonderful friend. Can I take you to the best restaurant here next time when you come to Singapore?

就如你知道的,我3天內賺取到美金8萬的收入…只想要跟你說聲謝謝!從1990年期間,我就開始看了你在網路上的步驟也跟著你所說得做。你的產品和服務總是不斷得讓我驚奇,你的商業頭腦和敏銳的觀察力,對我的網路事業有了不同的啟發,我想讓大家知道我從我的好朋友-你身上學到很多。下次你到新加坡時,我能請你到最好的餐廳用餐嗎 ?

Ewen Chia


Hi Tom,

I would just like to say Thank you, Thank you, for opening my eyes to what the Internet can do for people. My husband and I brought your package 3 months ago. We did not start with the package unitll after our holiday. We have been absolutely blown away with the response that we have achieved in a very short time. We have set up five websites and are setting up a few more at the moment. Have a look at one of my sites. Being a complete newbie to the Internet I was amazed at just how easy the block steps in your package were to follow and install.  Also I would like to impress upon you just how helpful your staff were when I did not understand any section of the package. They were fantastic. Thank you! One very satisfied customer.


Glen & Geraldine Holland


Mr Tom Hua has helped me and many thousands of others to start and build our own 
Internet businesses.
He explains his methods and experience in a way that is easy to understand and to apply. I am very grateful for the insights and inspiration in his newsletter, ebooks and presentations. Mr Hua does not copy anyone. He is always himself, a genuine person who is always willing to share the methods he discovered which lead to his Internet success.

John Williams

"Can I start by highly recommending the Tom Hau Business in a box. This Turn key project, is an amazing program gives you a step by step guide to making money and leaves nothing to chance. Seriously, It is so simple-if you can point a mouse and cut and paste you can use Tom's system. I highly recommend this system and the professional backup team he offers. The products are amazing and web sales pages are great. IN JUST TWO SHORT MONTHS THIS SYSTEM HAS PRODUCED OVER $10,000 US DOLLARS ALONE all it requires is hard work and common sense. This guy is the real deal!"

容我從推薦TOM HUA的網路行銷百寶箱開始嗎?這是一個很棒的工具可以引導你透過簡單的步驟,一步一步的教你如何在網路賺錢。這真的很簡單,只要你知道怎麼使用滑鼠還有”剪下””貼上”的功能,你就可以使用TOM HUA的方法開始你的網路生意。我高度的推薦TOM HUA的方法還有他專業的技術團隊。他所提供的產品與網站品質都很優質。在短短的兩個月,單單這個方法已經幫我創造了超過10,000美金的收入,而前提你必須是有簡單基本常識,和一個願意付出努力的人。這個人真的是有料!


“Having graduated from Loughborough University I understand the importance of education, what they don’t teach you about internet marketing in academia will be revealed within the work of Tom Hua, having spent a weekend with Tom at his ebusiness in a box bootcamp I can honestly say the man is a ‘genius’ within his profession. The weekend has been incredibly inspirational having learnt a variety of new skills attributable to internet marketing, but above all the most important lesson I learnt this weekend was NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!! It is an affirmation dedicated to entrepreneurs all over the world evident within the passion articulated onstage. A massive thank you to Tom, special guests and his team for a fantastic weekend if anybody is serious about making money on the internet I recommend they invest in one of Tom’s programmes!”

從大學畢業我瞭解教育的重要性,學術界不會教你的網路行銷,你將在TOM HUA的身上學到。出席了TOM HUA的研討會,我真心的地,TOM HUA真的這個領域中的天才。我學到多種網路行銷的技巧,讓人難以置信並且激勵人心。但是對我來說,我覺到最重要的一天就是,永不放棄!非常感謝TOM HUA和您的團隊。如果任何人對在網路賺錢有興趣,我慎重的推薦一定要參加TOM HUA的研討會

- Aaron Davies


我在2005年參加了 Tom Hua 大哥所主辦的全球互聯網研討會(World Internet Summit)。這個研討會改變了我的事業規劃, 因為我看到了互聯網的潛能和商機。我也決定將網絡營銷當成我終生事業。

現在我是個谷歌AdWords合格的專業顧問 (Google Adwords Qualified Professional Consultant), 高級搜索引擎營銷技能認證的專業銷售商 (Advance Search Engine Marketing Skills Certified Professional Marketer), 我也專長社會媒體營銷 (Social Media Marketing) 和視頻營銷(Video Marketing)

在新加坡我管理和經營一間網絡營銷顧問公司和一間培訓工作室。我能得到現在得成就,一切都從網絡營銷開始。在這我要感謝 Tom Hua 大哥, 因為他的無私的分想和遠見幫助了無數的朋友得到他們所追求成功和財富。 我是一個不懂電腦, 也完全無任和的信息技術背景的人。如沒有經過 Tom Hua 大哥培訓和教導, 我是不可能成為一個網絡營銷專業人士。







Products and Services provided by Tom Hua's companies